Sunday 12 July 2009

Crown Lynn Cards

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Boxed set of 10 postcards price NZ $20, set of 12 Crown Lynn Cards NZ $48 and available from Pug Design Store, 228 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand or from our online store.

In 1996 the project "Crown Lynn New Zealand' - A Salvage Operation" a Rudolf Boelee collaboration with graphic designers Brian Shields and Craig Stapley was exhibited at the High Street Project Gallery, Christchurch and City Gallery, Wellington. "Crown Lynn New Zealand" was a breakdown of distinction of pop culture and serious culture, different genres and different art forms and also investigated some of the ideas of "De Stijl", a group of Dutch artists, architects and designers, active in the early part of the 20th century. Some of their ideas may be summarized as: "An insistence of the social role of art, design and architecture and a conviction that art and design have the power to change the future."

Based on Rudolf Boelee paintings, printed and designed in New Zealand on folded A6 white card. The images are the New Zealand Railway Cup, Crown Lynn Swan, Crown Lynn Modernist Vase and Mr GE Free, envelopes provided

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