Sunday 12 July 2009

Rudolf Boelee Chatham Island Black Robin and Crown Lynn Swan Paintings

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Price NZ $450 and available from Pug Design Store, 228 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand or from our online store.

Chatham Island black robin (Petroica traversi)
The conservation of this robin is an internationally renowned success story; from bleak days in the 1980s, two thriving populations now exist. This small robin has pure black plumage and a short, slender bill. The sexes are similar in appearance, although females tend to be smaller in size. It is a poor flyer and spends much of the time on or near the ground.
Range. Previously found throughout the Chatham Islands, 850 kilometres east of mainland New Zealand. Today, these birds are only found on two small islands within the group, Mangere and Rangatira (South East) Islands.

David Jenkin, the head of the Crown Lynn design department, copied the design for the swans from overseas, and from the late 1940s, swans were produced in various sizes and finishes. By the middle of the 1970s the demand for swan vases had been significantly reduced. Swans represented an old fashioned style and were rejected by young New Zealanders looking for new ideas in interior design. However the swans are undergoing a revival.

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